martes, 30 de agosto de 2011

It Was A Zombie Jamboree

Where to even begin? So much has happened since my last post... Thursday night was Ladies night at Blues so the six of us went from 9-11:30 and enjoyed rum and cokes, appletinis, and margaritas for free! The night started getting a little weird when we were handed masks to wear. It got even stranger when 4 male strippers took the stage. We left soon after and met the boys at our favorite bar, which I still could not tell you the name of. This bar has the cheapest alcohol, the best music, and the owners love us! We basically go there every time we go out and I am not complaining. The drinks were flowing, the dancing got weird, and most of us were bimbammed (woops).

This next part of the story I am including not because I am proud but because I promised I would not hold back in this blog. Melissa Maria Montalto, I apologize in advance and your little sister realizes this was a terrible idea (I swear it seemed legit at the time). Anyways, after showing up to the bar I thought it would be an intelligent idea to look for more international students in La Mariscal (the place I had mentioned is the most dangerous place in Ecuador). I wandered until I was found by two Ecuadorian lesbians (names unknown) who befriended me. They walked with their arms around me looking for a bar that I don't remember the name of until I spotted Pat and Mike in the road. All in all, both Kevin and I did not make smart decisions Thursday night (Kevin I will spare your details, mi sacerdote).

Friday after school all thirteen of us went to Tim's house after a day full of exhaustion from the night before. Out overall laziness can best be portrayed by explaining that we voted against playing Charades due to the fact that it involved too much physical movement. Instead, we played Killer Wink and Mafia. No one went out Friday night because we had to wake up oober early for a museum trip. If you have been avidly following my blog you would know how horrific my last museum experience was. Well, this museum definitely was a close second. Two and a half hours of Pablo asking me which animal a sculpture represented was the bane of my existence that morning especially when it was either a jaguar or llama EVERY FRIGGIN TIME. I wish I had more to say about the museum but I was distracted by my game of Hangman with Colleen.

The group got lunch after, half at the Magic Bean and half at a Mexican place and then went to Toryns for an afternoon of trampolining and "Friends With Benefits". After the chick flick, Colleen, Kasia and I went for a cup of coffee. It seemed to be a normal Saturday afternoon in Quito until we turned the corner and found at least 300 Ecuadorian zombies parading down the street. I will probably never know their purpose or why they felt the need to snarl at me but, what I do know, is that it was freaking awesome (Picture Below). The afternoon got a tad weirder when I made eye contact with a girl across the street in La Mariscal after the parade... My initial confusion quickly became recognition as I realized that I was sharing an awkward staring match with one of the lesbian Ecuadorians who escorted me around Thursday night. Jajajajaja. Saturday night we all headed back to our favorite unnamed bar for some Pilseners and bailas until about 2:30am at which point I received a rose from some cute blond haired blue eyed southern gentleman. The night was incredible, of course.

Sunday I did a whole lot of nothing besides watching documentaries about Machu Pichu (in preparation) and Definitely, Maybe. Yesterday was Beth's Birthday so Amanda, our coordinator, canceled class and threw her a surprise lunch at her house. We all ate out in the garden which was absolutely breathtaking. It was there that we learned that no one is accompanying us to the Galápagos... Gonna be sick. We also had a dinner pizza party at Beth's house last night which was a lot of fun. As for today, I now have four classes on T/Th because I was able to register for Fotografía!!! Although T/Th are very tiring they are completely worth it because I have a 50 minute class Monday/Wednesday and no class Friday! As for tonight, this sexy lady tiene una cita...

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