sábado, 19 de noviembre de 2011

Inca Trail: Day Three

View from my tent Day 3!!!

Day Three was definitely much easier and more enjoyable than the first two days. The hike was beautiful, it was not raining, and we made it to camp-site by 1:00PM! After eating lunch we had the rest of the day to ourselves so we went to Wiñyawayna Ruins, which can be best described as a mini Machu Picchu. There were terraces which were used for agricultural purposes, similar to Machu Picchu, and a mini town where people lived. We spent a lot of time around the ruins taking fun pictures and just enjoying how absolutely breathtaking it was. It was definitely a good preparation for the big Pizzle the next day.

Just casually planking some Inca Ruins

The others decided to go check out some other ruins but it was the first opportunity for us to use any sort of bathing water (and by that I mean a sink) so I had to take the opportunity to clean out my disgusting hair. Pat and I washed each others hair… true story… and changed our clothes, which felt lovely. Afterwards, I had to shoot some photos for my photography class so Pat and I returned to Wiñyawayna and he was my model. For the first couple of shots I told him that I needed him to act sexy and lean against the wall with an apple in his mouth… this was all, of course, a joke and for my own personal enjoyment but out of it came the brilliant picture below. Afterwards we ate dinner and headed straight to bed because we had to wake up at 3:00AM the next morning for Machu Picchu!!!

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